Sunday, March 26, 2017

NVC Case complete , awaiting interview.

February 2017, Toronto, Ontario at Ripley's Aquarium 

 Hello, here we are in March 2017, upon our I-130 approval in late October 2016, we had to order all of my husband's police clearance certificate, and get all the AOS (affidavit of support) and sponsor paperwork, which included my taxes, my co-sponsor taxes, all of our proof of citizenship (my passport, and birth certificate) , and more.
 We had to wait over a month for my husbands police certificate to arrive, as it was the holiday season. We ended up getting the paperwork we needed back a couple of days before Christmas, so the packet was not fully complete to send off until the last week of December.
 Our attorneys sent the completed packet off to NVC (National Visa Center), and we were told it would be a 30-60 day wait. We were really worried, because it had been well over the 60 day mark. It took almost 90 days for us. We decided to call NVC, and finally were able to give our case # to the woman on the phone. She informed us are case had  actually been completed that day! She congratulated us, and told us to await an interview email, scheduling us for the interview. She said it may be a few weeks before we receive that email. It has only been 2 days since we spoke to NVC, so we are beyond happy, and we are being patient.
 2/3 of the process is done! All we have left is the medical exam, and the interview. Ours will be in Montreal, Canada. I say "ours" but it will just be my husband who will be interviewed.  As we did overseas immigration, they do not need to interview the petitioning spouse. I will still be flying back up to Canada from Florida to support him and wait outside the embassy for him.
 We are in the home stretch, and I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It has been a ridiculouslyrics stressful year since we started this journey. We have said our prayers, and done everything to the best of our abilities. We have worked so hard for this, and we are so excited to finally permanently live in the same place.
 We will update as soon as we hear more.

  Until next time
        -Dos Cordeiro's

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