Saturday, October 29, 2016

I- 130 Approval notice!!!

 Cassie here, I'm laying in bed posting from my phone. Currently, I'm in Canada visiting Brent for Halloween and helping him paint the house and such.  These last few months have been an emotional roller coaster for us. We have been so anxious to get our approval.

Yesterday, we went out to buy some guitar parts and get some pumpkins to carve. We forgot our cell phones and were out for nearly 5 hours. we returned home to see seven missed calls from my mother. she had been trying to reach us since 3:30pm, and it was already 8:30PM. I called back immediately, and my mom informed me we got a letter from homeland security. At this point I had a huge knot in my throat, my palms clamy, I felt like I was going to pee my pants from the nervousness and anxiety.

A little bit of important info: on October 5th we got a letter from Homeland Security requiring an OFFICIAL COPY of my divorce decree from my previous marriage from my early twenties. It somehow was forgotten when we sent the initial I- 130 application. So I ran down to the court house and sent that to our immigration attorney asap. She said not to worry, she has had this happen before and we should expect a decision in a month or so.

And here we are today:

As my mother ripped open the letter and read the results I could hardy contain myself; I just w3anted her to get to the part that said YES. YOU'RE APPROVED or the NO. YOUR LIFE IS NOW OVER.

She said it. " this letter is confirming you approval. Within 30 days, your case will be sent to NVC (National Visa Center) for further processing."

Oh. my. God. is it real?!?!?!

I hung up with my mother. I was in utter shock. I waited for Brent to come in the house from whatever he was doing, and I looked at him and said " Immigration sent our notice of approval . " He looked at me wide- eyed, and worried.
"WELL?! WHAT DID THEY SAY? he asked.
"You got approved Brent." I said;  in shock.
He looked looked like someone told him he won a million dollars. he dropped everything in his arms on the floor. Keys, water bottle, jacket, and a bag of groceries. He scooped me up and squeezed me hard swinging me around as if I were a ragdoll.
He pulled back, looked at me while holding my cheeks. A big, genuine smile pasted on his face. "CASSIE I'M MOVING TO FLORIDA. I WILL DRINK FROM A COCONUT, WEAR SHORTS IN THE WINTER, AND KISS MY WIFE EVERYDAY. WE WONT BE APART ANYMORE!!!!"

For the first time in my 28 years on planet earth, I cried for happiness. The relief we both feel today is indescribable. We have prayed so much, worked so hard, waited so long, and now the ball is finally rolling! What an incredible feeling to have an answer.

Now we wait. The next steps will be the immigration medical exam,  affidavit of support, and last but not least the immigration interview Brent will do in Montreal, Quebec. God willing these next steps will continue without flaw.

Our journey has just begun. New life, here we come.

Until next time-
Los Cordeiros