Saturday, October 29, 2016

I- 130 Approval notice!!!

 Cassie here, I'm laying in bed posting from my phone. Currently, I'm in Canada visiting Brent for Halloween and helping him paint the house and such.  These last few months have been an emotional roller coaster for us. We have been so anxious to get our approval.

Yesterday, we went out to buy some guitar parts and get some pumpkins to carve. We forgot our cell phones and were out for nearly 5 hours. we returned home to see seven missed calls from my mother. she had been trying to reach us since 3:30pm, and it was already 8:30PM. I called back immediately, and my mom informed me we got a letter from homeland security. At this point I had a huge knot in my throat, my palms clamy, I felt like I was going to pee my pants from the nervousness and anxiety.

A little bit of important info: on October 5th we got a letter from Homeland Security requiring an OFFICIAL COPY of my divorce decree from my previous marriage from my early twenties. It somehow was forgotten when we sent the initial I- 130 application. So I ran down to the court house and sent that to our immigration attorney asap. She said not to worry, she has had this happen before and we should expect a decision in a month or so.

And here we are today:

As my mother ripped open the letter and read the results I could hardy contain myself; I just w3anted her to get to the part that said YES. YOU'RE APPROVED or the NO. YOUR LIFE IS NOW OVER.

She said it. " this letter is confirming you approval. Within 30 days, your case will be sent to NVC (National Visa Center) for further processing."

Oh. my. God. is it real?!?!?!

I hung up with my mother. I was in utter shock. I waited for Brent to come in the house from whatever he was doing, and I looked at him and said " Immigration sent our notice of approval . " He looked at me wide- eyed, and worried.
"WELL?! WHAT DID THEY SAY? he asked.
"You got approved Brent." I said;  in shock.
He looked looked like someone told him he won a million dollars. he dropped everything in his arms on the floor. Keys, water bottle, jacket, and a bag of groceries. He scooped me up and squeezed me hard swinging me around as if I were a ragdoll.
He pulled back, looked at me while holding my cheeks. A big, genuine smile pasted on his face. "CASSIE I'M MOVING TO FLORIDA. I WILL DRINK FROM A COCONUT, WEAR SHORTS IN THE WINTER, AND KISS MY WIFE EVERYDAY. WE WONT BE APART ANYMORE!!!!"

For the first time in my 28 years on planet earth, I cried for happiness. The relief we both feel today is indescribable. We have prayed so much, worked so hard, waited so long, and now the ball is finally rolling! What an incredible feeling to have an answer.

Now we wait. The next steps will be the immigration medical exam,  affidavit of support, and last but not least the immigration interview Brent will do in Montreal, Quebec. God willing these next steps will continue without flaw.

Our journey has just begun. New life, here we come.

Until next time-
Los Cordeiros

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Recieved I-130 Recipt from Department of Homeland Security

We sent off the first packet of required information for the petition of alien relative earlier this month. The packet included the I-130 form, 6-10 different communications between us over the years (emails & texts), photos of us, passport scans, and more.  On May 9th 2016 the government received this packet, and sent us a receipt via mail. The fee for this packet is $420.00 currently. We paid our attorney $4,800 so they cut the check to the government out of our legal fees, and sent the packet for us.

Now we wait. As of this month, our immigration attorney says I-130 applications for spouses of American Citizens are taking around 5 months to process. He said he has seen them go as quickly as 3 months, but for now his chart is telling him 5 months.

This time in our lives in very fragile. We are very heartbroken over not being able to live in the same household nearly a year after marriage. We are staying positive, and praying everything processes quickly for us. Brent was down in Florida for 2 weeks visiting me, and he just flew back yesterday. It was a terrible goodbye for us as we just do not function well apart.

 On top of him leaving, I have just been offered a full time job, I start in a few days, and I am so incredibly nervous. This job is so important because it is the first full time job I have ever been offered. So much is riding on my success. I have to be able to prove I can make enough to support us both for the affidavit of support for Brent to become a permanent resident. Its so scary for me. I want to do well.

 As of now the US government requires I make over $20,000 a year for 2 people in a house hold, OR since I live with my parents we as a unit must make over $40,000. Which isn't too hard to do with all of us working. I did not work last year, so I didn't file taxes. I just went to school. Therefore I am going to have my parents as co-signers on my affidavit of support for my husband.

Additionally, I just legally changed my name to my husbands last name which was very exciting for both of us. I now have to get a new passport/ Nexus card. Which will be an unexpected cost. We also finally got wedding rings!

Anyway, I have to keep the goal in mind. It's so difficult to not break down and cry constantly. Hell, I am sniffling as I write this. Life without your significant other is pretty difficult. I can't seem to turn off the tears. I've been a mess for weeks, knowing I had to stay in Florida and work to make this happen. I know time passes quickly when you fall into a routine. I certainly have a reason to try hard, do well at work, and finish my college degree. I will do anything I possibly can to get us legally in the same household.

I am writing this blog for myself. I tend to hop around a lot, but it is a diary of sorts; but I think my blog may also help those who are dealing with the same heartbreak. This ridiculously long immigration progress is just awful and something needs to change in the future. I hope anyone who reads this finds hope as our story progresses, and understands they are not alone in the journey. A positive attitude goes a long way. I need to learn patience and I am working on focusing my energy into my work.

I am meeting a friend from school for lunch tomorrow. I think she feels bad that I have been so mopey lately. Shes really nice for inviting me out. I definitely need to get out of the house. I start training at my new job on June 6th 2016. I hope and pray I do an outstanding job. I greatly need the money, and the stability.

Until next time...

- Cassie <3

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Beginning our immigration to America: genisis

Though this blog we are documenting our journey.


One of us is Canadian, the other American. You would think our journey to be together would have been simple being that our countries are neighbors; think again. Our journey thus far has been anything but pleasant. The only thing that has kept us going is our enormous love for one another, and the dream of settling down in one place together. The things most couples take for granted, we cling to and cherish. We have been legally married for a year, but we are not legally allowed to "live" together yet, nor can we start a family. We are left between the cracks, and made to live separately. Forever forced to experience emotional goodbyes, pricey plane tickets, nexus cards, global entry and being subjected mean border patrol agents, being told our fate lies in the hands of the "mood of the border agent".
 Why is this such an issue? We are both educated, hard working, functional members of society. Brent, a licensed electrician by trade, with 12 years under his belt; and I, Cassie, a licensed esthetician/makeup artist and full time college student. I challenge you to look at us and take a guess at which one of us is American and which one is Canadian. Chances are, you probably guessed wrong. We invite you to live vicariously though us and enlighten yourself about immigration.

Brent and I met as teenagers in 2004 on, an early social media website. It was a awesome in it's time, and very popular. You could become "friends" with your favorite bands and/or celebrities, and then become friends with people who were also fans of those things. We all existed in this amazing cyber world, where you had your own "space" representing all the things you loved. You got to decorate your page, post photos, have your favorite music playing on your page when someone clicked on it. MySpace was YOURS, and it opened doors for people to meet people they never would have met in their own cities.
Brent and I were fans of the same bands and movies. We met commenting on the same bands pages. One day he added me as his friend and 11 years later we are still in each others lives.

We will be documenting our journey because we have had some major setbacks. A crumby attorney who refuses to give our money back, the Canadian immigration system being two years backed up, the border agents scaring the crap out of us at the border;treating us like criminals, to our massive love for one another, and our faith that we have the determination to make this work no matter how hard it is, or how long it takes.  I am writing all of this off the top of my head to give you, the reader an idea of our journey so far, but I will be making numerous posts explaining in chapters our journey thus far, and as things progress for us.
Thank you for reading. - Los Cordeiros